How The Group Got Started
You try being a young man who just found out girls are cheaters for the first time. You tried being a strong part of a monogamist relationship, just to find out your the only one trying to keep yourself caged in! I was young just experienced being on my own in the military for 2 years. My ex wife cheated on me because I was too focused on the ARMY and my girlfriend after that moved on because my exwife was a hassle. My Friend Jim said bro we gotta change the way you think. You are a young guy in a wild place like Hawaii, you need to live a little! Him and my friend Mac where always there to lift me up! These guys did all the things bros are supposed to do! Get you out the house, take you to the AnT Hill (Ass n Titties) Aka Strip Club, make you go to the bar and to clubs! And you we got wild doing all this! Started meeting different women who...